September Regular Board Meeting

September Regular Board Meeting RESCHEDULED

Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 6:00pm

Administration Governing Board Room

 In an abundance of caution and to promote social distancing, the District is encouraging members of the public to view and access the Governing Board meeting at the following link:

Meeting Link:

Meeting number          2483 740 9531   |        Password             FightingScouts

Or join by phone:         415-655-0001    |        Access code          2483 740 9531##


Members of the public who chose to do so, may still attend the Governing Board meeting in person. Chairs will be arranged so that members of the public can sit far apart from each other. The audience area of the boardroom will be limited for the meeting, as the Governing Board is following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines and limiting the amount of people present in the room to ten (10). This number represents the Board members and staff who will be attending in person for the meeting. One or more members of the Board may participate telephonically. If the Governing Board room reaches a capacity beyond what is currently being recommended by Government agencies, the District may offer live streaming of the meeting in other rooms to abide by those recommendations. You are welcome to contact the Superintendent's office at 928.729.6706 or with your questions, comments, and concerns.